AARB 2022 Dues
Have you heard the latest AARB news? Dues for the 2022 year will be $0, that’s right, FREE! What a great time for all regulatory agencies to join AARB and receive the great benefits that belonging to this association brings. Of course we will will go back to charging dues in 2023, but I hope every single regulatory agency will take advantage of membership without paying one dime! If you are interested in joining AARB please email our executive director at leslie@alabamaboards.org.
Spread the Word!!
If your agency is holding any type of consumer fair, let AARB know. We will post it on our website. Afterward send us pictures to post along with your event. AARB wants to spread the word that we are supporting our member agencies and helping them reach their consumers. Send your information to leslie@alabamaboards.org.

2021 CIT Conference
The 2021 Certified Investigator Training was held at Orange Beach this year. The weather was cold but attendance was high. We had 81 attendees, from 17 different state agencies and 9 local law enforcement agencies. The festivities began on Monday night with a Low Country Boil catered by Luna’s Eat and Drink. The food was awesome and the company was even better. The conference was held at The Island House hotel in Orange Beach and they rolled out the red carpet for us.
AARB would like to thank our wonderful sponsors:
* ProV
* Kalm
* Home Builders Association of Alabama
* A grant from The Investor Protection Trust
AARB would also like to thank the wonderful speakers and of course or attendees for coming. Stay tuned for details of next year’s conference.
The Home Builders Licensure Board participated in the 2020 Home Building and Remodeling Exp that took place on February 21st – 23rd at the Montgomery Multi-Plex at Crampton Bowl.